2008年3月11日 星期二

assignment 3/12

1. What are the three phrases of CALL? What role do computers play in each phrase? Please write down the classification of the use of computer technologies in language learning and teaching : a metaphorical approach by Warschauer.

(1) Three phrases of the CALL are Behaviorist CALL, Communicative CALL and Integrative CALL. (2) Behaviorist CALL: Drill and practice courseware is based on the model of computeras tutor. The computer serves as a vehicle for delivering instructional materials to the student. Communicative CALL: The computer is as a tool. First, there were a variety of programs to provide skill practice, but in a non-drill format. Another CALL model used for communicative activities involves the computer as stimulus. In this case, the purpose of the CALL activityis not so much to have students discover the right answer, but rather tostimulate students' discussion, writing, or critical thinking. The third model of computers in communicative CALL involves thecomputeras tool, or, as sometimescalled, the computer as workhorse. Integrative CALL: It based on two important technological developments of the last decade--multimedia computers and the Internet. The computer is as a tour like paced reading, text construction and language games.

2. Visit Warschauer's homepage for his contributions to CALL.
He worte many books which attracted second and foreign language teachers and researchers over around the world. His books supplies many information about technology.

3.On page 18, the author mentions the use of online chat in a NASA space project to enhance communication skills. Please visit http://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/StarChild.html and outline the possibilities of using technology to promote collaborative learning and developing communities of learners.
I think the possibilities of using technology to promote collaborative learning and develop communities of learners is 100%. Technology is developing well nowadays. If we can using technology to learn, we are able to understand quickly. Besides, the website supplies many information for learners to use collaboratively. If the teacher gives students the websites, she/he can ask students to read the stories. They can discuss each other where they don't know during the class or if they read the stories themselves, some words have comments. It is very convenient. It is important that each student can do some activities online. Maybe they can divide into a pair of students or groups, they are able to communicate together. Not only can they get information from others, but also they can enhance communication skills. Therefore, this is a good way for teacher to teach students.
